How does this tie into Azor Ahai and bright blue ‘azure’ eyes? Jon ‘Blue Winter Rose’ Snow who happens to be resistant to the ravages of Winter, much like the blue winter rose itself is, and therefore will not transition into a Walker if/when touched by the Walker King and instead will experience a shift in eye color to bright ‘azure’ blue, allowing him to fulfill the prophecy of Blue Eyed King Who Casts No Shadow.‘Azure eyes’ would more likely suggest either those pesky White Walkers have the closest match to a true ‘azure’ shade of eye color. The show does a great job of portraying these bright baby blues …. There are those who are described in the books as having bright blue eyes, as bright and blue as the summer sky, which fits perfectly with the definition of ‘azure’. Perhaps Gendry ends up King at the end of it all but he will not fit the ‘cast no shadow’ part, a term commonly used for those who have died/are dead. Gendry has vivid blue eyes, as does Brienne however I would not qualify either of them as azure. In nature, azure sometimes has a touch of a purplish hue to it. ‘Azure eyes’ would support another theory and could very well tie in the ‘blue eyed king who cast no shadow’ prophecy too.Īzure is described as a bright blue, summer sky-blue. If Azor Ahai does turn out to be a translation of ‘Azure Eyes’, this opens the door for a bright blue eyed one to fit the bill but I do not think it would support Brienne.
Azor ahai translation skin#
He saw the Wall shining like blue crystal, and his bastard brother Jon sleeping alone in a cold bed, his skin growing pale and hard as the memory of all warmth fled from him.” – A Game of Thrones, BranĪnd then the ‘blue eyed king who cast no shadow’ quote danced across my brain.

Then a certain quote from a Bran chapter early on in A Game Of Thronespopped into my mind, the one which describes Jon’s skin as cold and hard. Once the laughing stopped, well, Hold the Door/Hodor could be used as the event which set the precedent for further such word-play.

Interesting idea ! You actually had me laughing out loud.