
Lets have a good time i want to kick it with you all night
Lets have a good time i want to kick it with you all night

lets have a good time i want to kick it with you all night

I hope that you use your gift in a way you will never forget. #21 Every day is a gift and today is no different. #20 Today I wish not only a good day, but an absolutely extraordinary day for you! I know things have been tough lately and you deserve a break. #19 Don’t worry, be happy! We are just guaranteed this one day, so my wish for you is that you enjoy it to the fullest and schedule in some “me” time. You work so hard all the time that you need to escape! Have an amazing day. #18 Take some time today to sneak away and do something just for you. Call me so we can connect tonight? I want to hear what has been going on with you! #17 You’ve been on my mind so I thought I would wish you a good day. Make it a great day and know that I am sending you hugs and happy wishes! Call anytime! At this very moment, I am thinking about you and wishing for a smile on your face and peace in your mind. #15 Take some time today to love yourself, to breathe deeply, to let go.

Lets have a good time i want to kick it with you all night full#

You mean so much to so many and I want your day to be full of happiness, laughter, and opportunity. #14 I hope this message brightens your day and makes it a little better. Your friendship means the world to me and I look forward to catching up. A happy and healthy “you” is a necessity for so many of us. I see you and want you to allow for self-care and restoration. #12 Today my hope for you is that you give yourself a break. Be an example of the humanity you long to see in the world and change it with one act at a time. #11 I hope you will be an instrument of love and kindness today. Go conquer the day! You’re going to be great! #10 Even though your schedule is packed, I hope it’s fulfilling and you are loving it. So many people are counting on you to last a long, long time. Carve out some time to decompress and squeeze in some self-care. #9 I know you actually ARE superman/superwoman, but doing it all perfectly each and every day must be exhausting. I hope that you will ask a thousand questions today and have a day filled with wonder. #8 The world is so big and waiting to be explored. I hope that opportunities to shout with joy would abound to you. #7 May your day be filled with many beautiful things. I care very deeply about you and want you do succeed. #6 As you go about your day, know that I am just a phone call away. #5 I hope no matter if the skies are gray or sunny and blue, you find to suck the marrow out of life and have an extraordinary day! I miss you! Kick back and relax! I hope you enjoy your day!

lets have a good time i want to kick it with you all night

#4 You’ve been working so hard, and you deserve a day just for yourself. Smile, even during a part of the day that you don’t want to. #3 Wishing you a day that will be unlike the others. You put that energy into the world all the time. #2 I hope the sun shines bright on your day, that your breakfast tastes fantastic, that you hit every green light, and that people treat you with kindness. You’re always putting a smile on my face.

lets have a good time i want to kick it with you all night

I hope you take this day to smell some flowers, pet some dogs, and find ways to laugh. And when you’re still hearing about how rad the party was weeks and months afterward…well, you can thank us later.Here is a list of 125 have a good day messages and quotes to wish them the best day ever. Within a few notes of any of these tunes popping on the speakers, your living room, wedding reception, backyard barbecue etc is guaranteed to be pulsing with ecstatic energy. In that spirit, when compiling this list of the greatest party songs of all-time, we’ve stuck to the big names with the big tunes just about everyone knows. But in most situations, familiarity is what brings the most feet to the dance floor. Sure, you might be tempted to show off your broad and obscure tastes. 1 most important element of any celebratory gathering, and crafting the perfect playlist is a delicate science. Whether you’re inviting friends over to your apartment or breaking into an abandoned warehouse, the music is the No. But you don’t have a party until you’ve got the songs.

Lets have a good time i want to kick it with you all night